Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Another School Event

Well, it is definately the end of the school year. They have all sorts of stuff going on at the school. This time is was Megan's sixth grade program. They sang "old" rock music all night. It was so old that it was Bon Jovi and Michael Jackson stuff. I guess that is considered old now.
Megan, Alex, and Jacob after the show. The lighting is so good in the gym that they all look green.
Megan, Maggi, and Sannah. They seem to be glued at the hips.

Heidi, Jacob, and Alex getting ready for the big show.

They are all ready to start. There where four classes of sixth graders singing so it was an interesting mix. The show was really good though so that made the hour go by pretty fast.
I don't know what I am going to write about after next week. The school year will be over. I guess I will have to take random pictures in the back yard!!!!!

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Looks like fun.....how did it sound??? YES -- you will have to take random pictures. I'm sure you will have PLENTY to post about. And I'll be lookin'! :)