It was a big day. We have one finishing up Junior High and moving on to the High School and one going from Elementary to Junior High. Everyone is so excited.

Megan was ready to go to school in record time.

Megan and Olivia ready for their last trip to school as 9th graders.

Alex is already dressed for 7th grade. He is showing his support for Ballou before he even gets there!!!!!

His last trip to the bus. I was a bit sad this morning also at the bus stop. I have become very good waving friends with the little old man that drives the bus. He always is so nice and waves to me in the morning and today we gave him a bag of cookies for his last day and he even smiled back at me and said thank you. I guess those good old days are gone. :)
High School??? NO -- she can't be that old!
She looks ready, tho!
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