Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Band Concert

Last week we went to Alex's first band concert. They did really good but you can tell they are a beginning band. They have only been playing since September though so they sounded great when you look at it that way. :)
This would be the first time he has had a pair of pants on in a year and he complained all night about the long sleeves and how hot he was.

Mike and Megan were really excited to go watch.

It was hard to get any decent pictures of the playing since they all sit down and he was in the second row. This is the best that Megan could get.

Don't they look excited?

It was a fun night and it will be great to see how much better they have gotten by the time the next concert comes around.

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Looking good all dressed up Alex! I didn't even know Alex was playing in the band. Sounds like the good news is that they have no where to go but up! :) Good luck and have fun Alex!