Sunday, August 24, 2008

BBQ at our house

We had some friends over for a BBQ this weekend. It looks like it could be the last nice day of the summer so we had to take advantage.

Kristin, Megan, Alex and Ryan were riding their quads before everyone else arrived. They always have fun riding around in circles on those things.

Kathy and Michelle are watching the guys play horseshoes.
Pat and mark are at one end of the yard.Mike, Tony and Hershey are at the other.
Megan, Megan, Madi, and Kristin decided to play in the sprinklers in the front yard. I guess they were to hot.
They got cold and we wouldn't let them sit in the hot tub with us so they made their own in the bathroom. They decided to turn on the jets in the tub and this is what happened.

They had to get into the shower to rinse all of the bubbles of them. It was pretty funny. I guess the bubbles don't taste to good either. They needed water when they were done.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Guess where we are?????

Good guess. We are at the lake again. We got to go for another camping trip this weekend with all of our friends. It was Tony's 40th Birthday so we all went down to celebrate with him and enjoy some water fun in the sunshine.

Kathy made him a Tigger birthday cake. It looks like it took her forever to make and we managed to have it all eaten in about 10 minutes.
Happy Birthday Tony!!!!!

Everyone was hanging around to watch him open all of his presents. He seemed to really like everything so that was perfect.

Mark, Pat, Michelle, and Kathy are taking a rest.
Suzy and Kathy are ready for a swim now.

Everyone got into the water this time. It was 90 degrees out on Saturday so all of the kids are in the water. We even did a good job at keeping on the sunscreen. No one got burnt this time.
Tony took his job as the flagger in the boat very seriously.

Scott, Mike, and Pat are ready for their turn on the tube. It turned into a fight to see who could be the last one on the tube. It was pretty funny to watch but they eventually all got thrown off.

Brenda and Korrie didn't try to push each other off, although Brenda did get whipped off at one point.
Suzy and I only made it one time around the lake and she had enough. We stopped so she could get off and I made a couple more laps with Mike. My muscles are still hurting me so I don't know that it was such a good idea but it was a lot of fun.

Michelle, Tony, Brenda and Suzy are enjoying floating around in the water.

That boat is seriously loaded down. All of the kids wanted to go to the rope swing so Brenda and Dave got suckered into taking them over.

There wasn't room on the big boat for everyone so Scott and Pat had to follow along behind in the little boat.
We are all loaded up to head home. We had another great weekend with everyone. We had great weather and a whole lot of fun.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Picnic at the Club

We went to the Tacoma Sportman's Club on Saturday for their yearly BBQ. We had a lot of fun even though the weather wasn't all that great. The kids had a great time to and we got to camp over for the night. We were a whole 10 minutes from home so we traveled a long way for this camping trip.
They had bingo for the kids.
Matt and Alex both won bingo games and got full bags of presents.
Suzy, Kathy, and Michelle got a hold of the camera and they got a very good picture of themselves.
We all got to play in a baseball game. It was alot of fun and the score was really close.
They had a horseshoe tournament for the adults. Mike and Michelle were partners and they beat Scott and Pat's team. As you can tell that never happens and Pat is not to happy about it. It was pretty funny and Mike and Michelle ended up getting third place in the tournament. It was some very impressive horse shoe throwing.
The boys had a great time on the water blow up slide. I am surprised that they didn't break it.
The girls didn't want to get wet. It was a bit to chilly out for that.
We had a fun time at the picnic and we all got to camp out for the night which we always have fun doing. We are headed back to the lake this weekend so stay close for more water pictures. We have some new water toys this time so it will be really fun.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cotton balls head.

Mike decided this morning that it would be a good idea to cut my cotton balls head. I thought that it would be a good idea to actually take him to a hair salon to have that done but I was out numbered and this is what happened. It isn't pretty!!!!!! Proceed with caution.....
He is missing a chunk on the side already. Just keep going.
Oh my, lovely mohawk. Keep in mind this was not my idea.
He has no hair left!!!!! I guess that it should be easy to take care of. He seems to like it even though I don't care for it. I think that I was out numbered on this one. Although there was no way that Mike was going to admit that he didn't like it. I guess the good news is that it will all grow back and my cotton ball will return. Now, I am going to have to think of a new name for him.
They are both so proud of their work.
Luckily no one got a hold of Megan's hair with the clippers. I don't think that she would have liked that to much.

Mike in Alaska

Mike got to go to Alaska this year. He had it planned for a long time so that is why the kids and I decided to go to Chicago. He was crabby that I didn't put any of his vacation pictures on my blog though so here they are. Enjoy!!!!!
Mike with one of the hundred fish he caught during the week. I guess it rained a lot while they were there so he got a picture at a dry time.
This is Ben, Kathy and another Mike. Ben and Kathy own the property that they all go to every year. It looks like a really nice area from all of the pictures. They have a trailer there that they sleep in and the guys have a little shack type house that they built that has beds in it. It seems to work for everyone though so that is good.
Mikes friend Tony. This was his travelling buddy for the week. They both had a good time and as you can tell, Tony loves to have his picture taken.
Kathy got hit by a weight one day and had to have stiches on her nose so she had to wear this pretty shield to make sure that she didn't hit it. I guess this only lasted about 10 minutes though and then she just got a pair of safety glasses.
Ben is just watching all of those fish swim on by!!!!!!
I think that everyone had a good time even though it rained so much. We now have two freezers full of salmon so I think that we are stocked up for the year.