Thursday, February 11, 2010

Round two for Megan

I took Megan back to the orthodontist today to get her bottom braces on. They seem to be moving ahead of schedule so hopefully that is good news.
Here is her last picture with clear bottom teeth.
She is ready to begin. She has on her pretty glasses!!!!!
There they are getting glued on. That really doesn't look comfortable but she says that it's not bad.
They are done. She now has a full mouth of metal. I hope she doesn't get made fun of. :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Megan's a Beautician

Megan is not happy about the fact that Alex won't cut his hair so she decided to make him look real pretty with a bunch of pony tails.
I am not really sure why he let her do this to his hair but it looked really nice when it was done. He wasn't to happy about the picture but he finally agreed.
This was a beautiful work in progress. It turned out so nice but he only left it in for a few minutes and then complained that it hurt to take them out. I still just thought it was funny. :)

Our favorite frosting!!!!!

I am a little slow on posting these pictures but I thought they were kind of funny so I am doing it now. It would have been my Mom's birthday on January 24th and she always loved Devil's food cake with 7 minute frosting on it. We like to make that for her birthday every year but this year was a little different. I realized when I went to make it that we had no cake so we compromised and made brownies instead.
Everyone always likes the beaters!!!!! :)
The good news is that we normally just eat the frosting out of the bowl anyway and don't really eat the cake so it all worked out just perfect.
Megan tried some on the brownie but it wasn't all that good. She stuck with a spoon in the frosting bowl from then on.
It is fun to laugh about great memories that we have. We really enjoyed ourselves while we made all of our snacks. I can always remember how my Mom and my Aunt Peggy would just eat the top of the cake with the frosting and then would always have to make more frosting to cover the bottom half of the cake after they were done. The good news is that they would share the cake with all of us but not always the frosting. :)