Monday, September 7, 2009

Labor Day Camping

We went camping for the long Labor Day Weekend. We had a good time but it was raining the whole weekend. We still managed to have plenty of fun we just spent most of our time under the tarps and in the trailer.
We got there on Friday night and it was pretty nice until we went to bed. It rained all night but then Saturday was nice until late afternoon. It started raining off and on until we went to bed again and then it poured.
Everyone catching up on their trashy magazines on Saturday. Before the rain has started.
The guys were making dinner.
The girls are having so much fun. They can't decide whether they want to get back in the lake or sit under the tarps. Either way they were going to end up wet.
The boys got to go over to the rope swing before the rain started. It really was nice out other than the black clouds.
The rain has started. Mike is trying to keep our fire going so we can stay warm.
We got up Sunday morning and everyone was packing up to go home. We decided to stay and Tony and Suzy came back so it ended up just being us for Sunday night.
Tony is making us some smore's to eat while Mike covers him with an umbrella.
We went and rented some movies to watch so we made our own version of a drive up movie theatre.
The kids got to go tubing one last time on Monday. They had a great time and they were the only ones on the lake.
We had a really fun weekend even though we were wet for a good portion of it. I guess that is what happens when you live in Washington.

First Day of School

It is hard to believe but it is time to start school again already. It feels like the summer just started and it is already time to go back to school!!!! We went to Alex's open house on Tuesday night. He got Mr. Smith for his teacher this year so he is very excited.
Megan is ready to go to the bus. It's her first day of 8th grade.
She is to cool to let me get her picture getting onto the bus so this is her waiting for the bus to arrive. There are High School kids on her bus so it wouldn't be good to have them see her Mom taking her picture.
Alex is ready to start 5th grade. He is excited for the new year.
He doesn't care if I take his picture at the bus. He didn't argue with me at all about it. I better enjoy that I am sure it won't happen much longer.