Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Heidi's Birthday

Today was Heidi's birthday and Megan and Olivia decorated the driveway for her to see when she came over for dinner.
Here is how beautiful it looked when they were done.
They were all posing with the masterpiece.
Heidi, Megan and Olivia. Happy Birthday Heidi!!!!!!

Megan and Olivia

Megan and her friend Olivia found these shirts that they thought they had to have around Christmas time. Heidi and I were at the mall the other day and they had them and the best news yet, they were on sale. What a deal. They had to wear them to school on the same day because they sit next to eat other on the couch and text each other all the time!!!!!
They say "Stop texting me, I'm right next 2U. These girls are so funny!!!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Fun in Las Vegas

Heidi, Sue and I got to go to Las Vegas for a few days. We stayed at my Dad's house again while he is in Washington visiting.
We are at the airport all ready to go.
We managed to lose money pretty much everywhere we went. We are at the "M" here where we ate enough food at the buffet that we didn't have to eat again for two days. It was so good and worth it though.
We moved onto shopping during the day. We hit the Coach store and found lots of things that we couldn't live without, the Lucky store because I love their jeans, and the cowboy boot store. It was so much fun and the sunshine was even out so I only had to wear one layer of jacket!!!!!
We made it down to the strip on our way to the airport to go home.
We also had our breakfast of champions while walking around. Nothing better than movie theatre popcorn and McDonalds diet coke. Oh, yummy!!!!!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Fun times in Illinois

We made it to Chicago. We had such a good time and really enjoyed getting to see everyone. Heidi went with me so that we could do some painting at Peggy's house. We ended up getting her family room all painted and her bathroom upstairs.
Kari, Noah and Riley.
Peggy, Kari, and Tami. We had a great homemade dinner complete with "Grandma fries". They were sooooooooo good.
Kari and Craig.
Heidi and Stacy. We all went out for a drink on Saturday night.
Tami and Kari.
Tami, Craig, and Kari.
Riley was asleep by the time that we got home from our wild evening of bar hoping. :)
Peggy had to wait up for all of us to arrive back home. She was on baby duty while we were out having fun.
We met everyone for dinner on Sunday night before we had to head out to the airport.
We had such a great time on vacation. It was fun to be able to help Peggy out a bit and to get to see everyone. If only we all lived closer. :)