Sunday, March 18, 2012

St. Patricks Day

Sometimes I just crack myself up with the dumb things we do around here. Yesterday was St. Patricks Day so we had to go green. We had green milk, green eggs and green butter for breakfast and then I made dinner. My folks used to make corned beef and sauerkraut every year and I always hated it so I decided that after twenty years maybe I would have acquired a taste for it so I went all out. We had corned beef, green potatoes, green french bread, green butter, and green deviled eggs. The corned beef is just as disgusting as I remember and no one else in the house liked it either so we ended up eating green cake with green frosting for our main dish with all of our green side dishes. It was a delicious dinner!!!!!!!
It's all about the green!!!!!!!
We had a really good dinner and the cake was so much better than the corned beef. We won't try to do that again!!!!!


Stefanie said...

Oh, I actually like the corned beef -- but only in sandwiches! Your other green things looks yummy!!! Happy St. Patricks Day!!!

Aimie Hunter said...

I don't care too much for the corned beef but the hash the next day is divine! Corned beef, potatoes, onions, and leeks. I promise, it is fantastic!