Sunday, June 30, 2013

Last Day of School!!!

It is hard to believe but the kids are on summer break already.  I don't know what has happened but another school year has come and gone.
 Megan's last morning as a Junior at Roger's High School
 She left as a Junior and came home as a Senior.  What is happening????  She is done with school in one more year.  I can't even believe it!!!!!
 Alex was all ready to head out for his last day as an 8th Grader at Ballou Junior High.
He left as an 8th grader and came home as a freshman.  What is this world coming to????  I am not so sure about this.
They both had great last days and are looking forward to a whole summer of sleeping in. 

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Where did the time go? Can NOT believe how big they both are. Everyone is lookin' good! :)